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Meet Brittany & Chris

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

Family Profile Picture

We are a family that loves the many adventures we have had in our lives so far and are looking forward to having more with another little one.

About Us


Designs unique Christmas cards each year, expert at TV and movie trivia, studied abroad in Scotland


Earned highest number of merit badges in Boy Scout troop, landed an airplane on a New Zealand beach (on purpose), made a birdhouse and a leprechaun trap with Izzy


Absolutely bonkers about horses, designer of cool furniture for her Lego house, great hairdresser for her American Girl dolls


Tink loves car rides to pick up Izzy from school, loves playing with other dogs and is a sweet and cuddly dog that loves children.

Our Family

We make time to spend with our extended family-from Disney trips to lake cabins-we love any excuse to come together.

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All About Us

We met in college at the University of Minnesota and moved to California after graduation. We’ve been together for 25 years! Our home is always filled with love, fun and laughter! We were both raised in loving, supportive and happy homes. We learned how to create the same for home and child. We hope to meet you and learn more about you.

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About Brittany

I am the youngest and my big brother was always my hero. I did things, because he did them, like scouts, piano, soccer, and jazz band. My parents were married for nearly 50 years until my mother passed. She taught me all about creative crafts and projects, from sewing to scrapbooking! The time we spend together is still such cherished memories and now it brings me such joy to do the same activities with Izzy. I will never say no to a board game, puzzle, baking, or cake decorating. In fact, a proud moment for me was learning to make French Macarons. Learning new things and teaching what I’ve learned comes naturally for me. That’s why I love being a mother. I have so much fun and love in me to give to Izzy and hopefully another little one soon.

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About Chris

I wanted to be an airline pilot and loved to play video games. However, when I got my first computer, I was more curious about how it worked, than playing games on it. Now, I work as a computer software engineer which keeps me curious about tech. I also have my pilot’s license and love flying. My other hobbies are reading, and golfing and I have a woodworking shop where I tinker on projects. Becoming a father to Izzy allows me to provide for and support her in her own interests, and she’s showing me a few things too like Minecraft. We spend time on adventures in our own virtual world. I’m naturally very curious and love new endeavors and challenges. Learning new things and watching Izzy seek her own interests that I can support her in makes me excited about supporting and learning with another child in their interests, wherever that pay may take them.

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Meet Izzy

The first thing about me is that I love horses and get to ride them every Sunday in my riding lessons.  I love to groom horses and track them, which means putting the saddle and bridle on the horse. My favorite stuffed animal is a dog named Toffee.  I love Legos because you get to build really cool places. I also like to build a lot of Legos by myself with no instructions. I go to church with my dad every Sunday and I recently took my first communion. I’ve always wanted a sibling to play with and teach them how to play Chutes and Ladders. I promise you that I will be a very nice, caring, and loving sister your baby.

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Our Home

We live in Los Altos, California. Our neighborhood is filled with families, and we live across the street from a big park. People are always walking their dogs and Izzy can walk with friends to school. We spend a fair amount of time in our backyard. Chris loves to grill when we have friends over. Izzy rides her bike and scooter or plays on the swing set. Even our dog’s favorite to be is outside with the family.

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Thank You

We both grew up with siblings and know the unique bond they can have. Izzy was not very old when she started to share that she wanted to be a big sister. Our family is full of love and fun. As you look for a family that feels like a good fit for you and your baby, we hope that you will that we are that family. We know how important it is that your child grows up knowing you and how much you love them.



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