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Birthparent Stories

A Holiday Wish for Birth Parents

As families gather during the holidays, our thoughts are with birth parents – sending you peace, love and good will.

The holidays can be a difficult time for some individuals and families as they gather together and take stock of the year and what has been gained and what has been lost. Sometimes the absence of a relative is felt acutely, though many families do not name the loss out loud

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Daniela’s Open Adoption Story

Although I find this very difficult to write, I understand just how many people making a decision about sharing their child in an open adoption may be helped. Let me please begin by saying that placing a baby for adoption is by no means an easy decision, or something you will come to terms with overnight

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Mother’s Day Musings

My relationship to Mother’s Day has shifted substantially over the years. It didn’t mean a great deal to me until life surprised me with fertility struggles. Once it became clear that achieving parenthood was going to be an emotionally and physically draining obstacle course,

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