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Steps To Place a Baby for Adoption

Step 1.

Our compassionate staff will listen to your concerns and help you explore your options. Connecting with an adoption counselor does not mean you’ve chosen adoption. We are here to help you learn more so you can sort-out your feelings and choices for you and for your baby. Options include parenting, abortion, and adoption. Contact us by text (415)355-4636 or phone (888) 517-6438 at any time.

Step 2.

If you make the decision to place your baby for adoption, you’ll share more information with your adoption counselor, as well as your hopes and wishes about the perfect family for your baby. You will meet in-person with an adoption counselor, get all of your questions answered, and receive regular emotional support throughout your pregnancy.

Step 3.

In an open adoption you can choose the adoptive parent(s) for your baby. If you wish, you’ll have the opportunity to talk with them, meet in person, and get to know the people who will parent your child. Adoption Connection pre-screens all our hopeful adoptive parents so you can feel confident knowing your baby will go to a loving family that is legally approved, prepared to adopt, and welcomes an open adoption relationship.

Step 4.

Your adoption caseworker is here to help you sort out all of your decisions, including where you will deliver and what will happen after the baby is born. We’ll create a hospital plan with you that honors your personal preferences; you will decide who will be with you. Typically the adoptive parents take the baby home with them from the hospital.

Step 5.

Your caseworker will let you know about all your legal rights throughout the adoption process. After you give birth will you voluntarily sign the paperwork which legally gives your parental rights to the adoptive family you have chosen.

Step 6.

Adoption Connection counselors will help you get the emotional and financial support you need during and after your pregnancy. Additionally, you decide how much ongoing contact feels right with the adoptive parents: texts, emails, phone calls, or in-person visits. You can always know how your child is doing and your child will know about you.

Adoption Connection Is Here For You Every Step Of The Way

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