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For Adoptive Parents

Steps to Adopt

Adoption Connection is a full service adoption agency and offers adoptive parents living in Northern California everything needed to complete a private, domestic, newborn adoption. Learn more about what’s required and expected during the adoption process.

Orientation and Classes

The first step is to learn more about open adoption and the services of Adoption Connection by attending an orientation. Our well-respected workshops and webinars prepare adoptive families for open adoption and parenting adopted children.

Homestudy Services

As a licensed agency, Adoption Connection conducts adoption homestudies in 19 counties in Northern California. By completing a pre-adoption homestudy, adoptive families will be prepared to adopt a baby born in any state.

Stepparent Adoptions

If you recently remarried, created a child with a donor, or adopted a child as a single person, we can help you secure a legal second parent for your child by completing some of the state’s requirements.


From the homestudy to finalization, find answers to commonly asked questions about the open, infant adoption process and our services to Northern California families.
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