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Adoption Stories

Read and view first-hand accounts from Adoption Connection’s birthmothers, who share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences about how they came to choose open adoption for their baby.

Ardena’s Story

Watch and listen as Ardena shares how she made the decision to place her baby for adoption and see what an open adoption looks like after placement.

Christina’s Story

See Christina explain how she reacted to her unplanned pregnancy, arrived at the decision to place her baby for adoption and felt supported by Adoption Connection.

Cindy’s Story

When I discovered that I was three months pregnant, my first thought was, “Can I really handle the responsibility of raising a child without the father?” Having been raised in a single-parent home myself I knew how difficult it could be. Both the birthfather and my mother encouraged me to have an abortion. They said …


Crystal’s Story

When I found out I was pregnant, my world began to spin out of control. I had no idea who to turn to or what I was going to do. I was 20 years old and a full-time student with no time for a job. I concealed my pregnancy from my family..


Daniela’s Story

When I first found out I was pregnant, I was just starting a new life in a work-to-housing program for homeless individuals and families. It was only my daughter and me. I was just a few weeks into my new life when I found out I was pregnant. I was really scared and I had …


Nicole’s Story

Giving up my baby for adoption was both one of the hardest and most rewarding things I have done in my life. When I was around seven months pregnant I decided that I wanted my baby to have a stable and loving home to grow up in. I looked at a lot of adoptive parent …

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