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Why Choose Adoption Connection?

A Trusted Leader in Open Adoption

Our expert counselors are here to help you explore your options and decide if adoption is right for you.

As leaders in ethical adoption, we support the decisions that expectant mothers make for the ultimate well-being of their babies. We ensure that all birthmothers know their legal rights and that all adoption laws are followed. Our social workers provide free and confidential all-options counseling to ensure that women arrive at the decision that is best for them.

Adoption Connection has a stellar track record of placing babies with adoptive parents, which reflects our deep understanding of all aspects of placing and adopting a child.

We represent dozens of loving, prospective adoptive parents who are pre-screened and legally approved to adopt.

Our Services

Adoption Connection offers options counseling, ongoing support, legal advice and case management to expectant women considering adoption throughout the United States. We offer lifetime support to placing birth parents and adoptive parents.

Services Offered for Expectant Parents

• Free, confidential information and support
• All-options counseling
• Help with pregnancy expenses
• Information about your legal rights
• Support following the baby’s birth

Services Offered for Northern California Adoptive Parents

• Adoption homestudy services, required for California private adoptions
• Adoption education and preparedness workshops
• Nationwide outreach to expectant women considering adoption (for current clients only)
• Screening, counseling, and case management with expectant mothers
• Coordination of California and interstate adoptions
• Legal adoption post-placement and finalization

Contact Adoption Connection to get started

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